Bendsneyder and Odendaal in shape for home race

Bo Bendsneyder and Steven Odendaal are optimally prepared for the home race of NTS RW Racing GP in Assen. A good test in Barcelona has provided both riders and their crews with valuable information that they hope to be able to cash in during the Dutch TT.

Bo Bendsneyder: “It is always nice to be in Assen. A home race gives a special energy. I don’t really feel the pressure yet, but I will. It can begin as far I’m concerned, I am ready. We tested a day after the Barcelona GP and that gave a lot of information. In such a test you can try things that you don’t have time for in a GP weekend. I think we have found something that we can benefit from, but we will only know if it is true on Friday. It will be a hot weekend; the effect of the temperature is still difficult to say. It was also warm last year, but we don’t have much use of that data now.

A year ago I was fourteenth in the race, but I am not satisfied with that now. I am really going for the top 10. If it turns out that this is not realistic, then of course I should be happy with points, but that is not the point of departure. The package is now better than at the start of the season. We have new parts, a slightly higher top speed, so we can also raise the bar a little higher. However, the differences in the Moto2 are small. That can be an advantage, but also a disadvantage: a tenth difference can bring or cost you a row.”

Steven Odendaal: “The last two races were not good of course, but we worked very well in the test in Barcelona. In the end I was more than half a second faster than in qualifying and a second faster than in the race. The feeling is much better now and that gives confidence. I also think that the TT Circuit, with its fast, smooth curves, suits me well. I like riding here. Last year I had to contend with a hand injury, so it did not work out, because there was more in it than twentieth place. It would be nice if the puzzle pieces would fit together this weekend. I have a good feeling about it and sincerely hope that I can make the team happy in her home race with a good result.”


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